- cpBBArea
cpFloat cpBBArea(cpBB bb)
Returns the area of the bounding box.
- cpBBCenter
cpVect cpBBCenter(cpBB bb)
Returns the center of a bounding box.
- cpBBClampVect
cpVect cpBBClampVect(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
Clamp a vector to a bounding box.
- cpBBContainsBB
cpBool cpBBContainsBB(const cpBB bb, const cpBB other)
Returns true if @c other lies completely within @c bb.
- cpBBContainsVect
cpBool cpBBContainsVect(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
Returns true if @c bb contains @c v.
- cpBBExpand
cpBB cpBBExpand(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
Returns a bounding box that holds both @c bb and @c v.
- cpBBIntersects
cpBool cpBBIntersects(const cpBB a, const cpBB b)
Returns true if @c a and @c b intersect.
- cpBBIntersectsSegment
cpBool cpBBIntersectsSegment(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b)
Return true if the bounding box intersects the line segment with ends @c a and @c b.
- cpBBMerge
cpBB cpBBMerge(const cpBB a, const cpBB b)
Returns a bounding box that holds both bounding boxes.
- cpBBMergedArea
cpFloat cpBBMergedArea(cpBB a, cpBB b)
Merges @c a and @c b and returns the area of the merged bounding box.
- cpBBNewForCircle
cpBB cpBBNewForCircle(const cpVect p, const cpFloat r)
Constructs a cpBB for a circle with the given position and radius.
- cpBBNewForExtents
cpBB cpBBNewForExtents(const cpVect c, const cpFloat hw, const cpFloat hh)
Constructs a cpBB centered on a point with the given extents (half sizes).
- cpBBOffset
cpBB cpBBOffset(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
Returns a bounding box offseted by @c v.
- cpBBSegmentQuery
cpFloat cpBBSegmentQuery(cpBB bb, cpVect a, cpVect b)
Returns the fraction along the segment query the cpBB is hit. Returns INFINITY if it doesn't hit.
- cpBBWrapVect
cpVect cpBBWrapVect(const cpBB bb, const cpVect v)
Wrap a vector to a bounding box.